أهلا وسهلا بكم في ملتقى الغرباء يشرفنا انضمامكم الينا..

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Dinosaur Alive

Scientists found a dinosaur egg on an uncharted island
Next to a tree, the nest had deteriorated except for one
Leaf that proved that they used banana leafs for there
Nests. Then close buy they found a tooth. They took
It too there lab, after they resurrected it they say that
It escaped; it smashed threw the wall made of 5inch
Concrete! It is now roaming the City its DNA got
Mixed up so it’s green with yellow polka dots, it also
has abnormally large frontal arms and are usable witch
makes it all the More dangerous so people of the City
BEWARE and Avoid the T-REX